We lost our website during a server update
Oh no! She is gone, our trusted representative and friend!
Ok, she was getting a bit old and dated and we had not given her always the cares she had deserved, but in the end she has represented us always well.
As we had invested into her care over the years, she really was close to our heart. Now she is dead! An update from PHP 6 to 8 gave her a deadly blow and the subsequent resurrection attempts by our web admin only confirmed the initial diagnose: Dead for good.
Luckily the web-archive has retained her memory and you can still find it at https://web.archive.org/web/20180723130849/https://www.fts.bio/en
Do you know the web archive? It is an attempt to preserve the memory of what gets lost constantly in the world wide web. If you have some nickels to spare, make a donation, they are worth it. Even without a donation they are valuable. Pay archive.org a visit and be blown away by the riches you find there.
Who will succeed her?
We work energetically to hire her replacement. Early in 2023 you should see her successor who will also reside at fts.bio.
It will likely be a first frugal shadow of her former glory, but we will do our best to add more and more relevant information during the first month of 2023.
Bruno Fischer